There is No God But Allah, Who came in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad. Elijah Muhammad is His Last and Greatest Messenger.
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The Black Policeman &
What He Polices
By Messenger Elijah Muhammad
reprinted, in part, from Muhammad Speaks, December 13, 1968
The Black man, who has been a servitude slave and now a free slave of white America, can never hope to enjoy peace, freedom, justice and equality under the control of a mixed law enforcement agency (Black and white), because of the Divine Presence of Allah (God) Who Came in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad, To Whom Praises are due forever, Who Desires nothing else but peace for the Black Man.
In the past and maybe present, the white officer chooses from among us the "uncle-tom-like" men to serve as law enforcement officers over us.
This type of Black officer makes more trouble in the community than the trouble that is made by the community, because he wants to be loved and honored by the white officer at the expense of mistreating his Black Brother. Surely he does not want to place, on the force, a Black Man who loves his Black people and wants to see them at peace with each other.
He rides with the Black officer over the Black section or community of the Black people to see to it that the Black officer mistreats his people, as he would do himself.
The Black policeman, hoping that he will keep his job as policeman, follows the instructions of his white officer which causes him to lose all love and respect of his people for him as their peace officer.
First, the Black policeman fears his job, because he does not have the co-operation of his Black brothers in their community that he polices. The two are divided by the thrid man (white man).
Unity among the Black Man, love for himself and the Black officer can assure the Black officer of his job to police us as long as he is enforcing the law of justice among us. We should obey the law enforced by the Black officers who have been commissioned to police us.
It is nothing but right that is due us by the city's government or the U.S.A. government in general to have what ever law of justice put out that we may obey enforced by Black officers. Especially when we number between twenty and thirty million people in this country.
Surely we have plenty of "uncle toms", who wish to live off the white man's shiny dollars to keep the Black man under a law of injustice; who preach the doctrine, "let the white man do it." But, unity of us, the Black people, could get an answer in our favor overnight.
We desire to obey a good law.
Second, to keep our brother policing our community, we must cooperate with him. But, he, himself, must be worthy of this position. I do think that a Black officer who is to have such a high and honorable position should have at least a high school education and not just eighth grade education. College education would be still better, but I will even say here that sometimes an eighth grader makes a better policeman than a high school or college educated person in the way of getting along with people and people getting along with the officer.
We can never have peace in our community