There is No God But Allah, Who came in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad. Elijah Muhammad is His Last and Greatest Messenger.
Dedicated To Freedom,
Justice and Equality for
Black People in America.
The Earth Belongs
To The Blackman
The Raw Teachings of Messenger Elijah Muhammad
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Instructions on How Believer's Should React to the Messenger 's Death
The following words of Messenger Elijah Muhammad speaking to his Ministers and Captains, transcribed from the audio taped meeting in 1964
Even if I die or get killed, as the Holy Qur'an teaches you, that don't make you turn back on your heels. You carry the Word right along! Because my kind was before me and we have the history of what happened to them.
I'm not afraid that they will or Allah will give them the privilege of taking my life, but I'm just saying these things. If it would happen, don't worry, you have the Truth just the same! And just step up in the next soldiers track that fell, and keep going keep firing!
And let them blow you down. That's the way we do on the battle front. As fast as one falls the others step up in his track. Until finally we overcome the enemy and destroy him. So don't you think that Allah is not with us.
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